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Top Industry Officials Encouraged to Seek XRP Spot ETF in Hong Kong

Industry Leaders Invited to Apply for XRP Spot ETF in Hong Kong

The XRP community is eagerly anticipating the development of a spot XRP exchange-traded fund (ETF) in Asia, following recent regulatory developments in the region. Dizer Capital founder Yassin MOBARAK has called upon crypto industry leaders to consider creating an XRP ETF in Hong Kong, taking advantage of the regulatory approval that has been granted.

Last Friday, regulatory authorities in Hong Kong announced that they have reviewed their current policies regarding intermediaries involved in cryptocurrency-related activities. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) have indicated their readiness to accept cryptocurrency spot ETFs.

The revision in policy reflects the evolving market landscape, with the SFC already granting authorization for the creation of cryptocurrency futures ETFs. As a result, the SFC and HKMA are now open to receiving applications for the approval of additional cryptocurrency-related funds. Notably, regulators have specifically mentioned their willingness to consider “virtual asset spot exchange-traded funds (VA spot ETFs)” among the potential ETFs they would welcome.

With the regulatory environment in Hong Kong becoming more favorable for cryptocurrency-related funds, the prospect of an XRP ETF being established in the region has captured the attention of the crypto community. This development signals a growing acceptance and integration of digital assets within traditional financial markets, presenting new opportunities for investors and industry players alike.