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Craig Wright, PhD, offers settlement to COPA members and all parties involved in future intellectual property dispute

Dr. Craig Wright issues settlement offer to COPA members and all parties in upcoming intellectual property litigation

As a professional in the crypto and NFT field and the crypto industry, I would like to highlight an important development from London. Dr. Craig Wright is due to face multiple parties in London’s High Court to uphold his intellectual property rights in Bitcoin as its creator. His aim is to ensure that Bitcoin remains faithful to its central principles as set out in the Bitcoin White Paper, which is widely recognized as the authoritative foundation of all forms of Bitcoin. Dr. Wright’s issuance of copyright claims against the ‘Bitcoin developers’ was a measure to protect the continuity of those principles. In a move to settle each of these cases and to promote the open commercialization of technologies in a competitive and fair market, Dr. Wright has sent a non-negotiable offer to his opponents in various litigations. This offer demonstrates his commitment to maintaining the integrity of the Bitcoin system as initially developed, while avoiding the expense of a lengthy High Court trial. By offering to waive his database rights and copyrights relating to BTC, BCH, and ABC databases, Dr. Wright aims to enable parties to compete fairly, in parallel with BSV, and constitute a strong force for good by encouraging the adoption and advancement of cryptocurrency technologies. This fresh approach aims to guarantee the success of Bitcoin in whatever form it takes. The parties have 7 days to agree on this settlement. Dr. Wright’s intention to settle the claims and ensure a competitive and commercial environment for all parties is reflected in the terms of the settlement offer, which include discontinuing the claims, bearing costs, and making charitable donations. Dr. Wright also declares that no funds or costs in these proceedings will financially benefit himself. Furthermore, the offer grants an irrevocable license in perpetuity to the Opposition to exploit the BTC, BCH, and ABC databases for the purposes of exploiting BTC, BCH, and ABC. It is intended that each of these Bitcoins stems from Satoshi Nakamoto’s original vision as outlined in the White Paper. The parties also undertake to ensure that Bitcoins are used for the benefit of humankind and pledge to comply with international and national laws, including those relating to money laundering and anti-terrorist financing. The offer also entails that no party shall exploit any BTC, BCH, ABC, or BSV database to create a new Bitcoin database. This is a significant development in the ongoing litigation surrounding Bitcoin, and it highlights Dr. Wright’s commitment to fostering fair competition, advancing cryptocurrency technologies, and ensuring that Bitcoin remains true to its founding principles. Any inquiries can be made to [email protected]